Think of the times you have been to an expo and picked up those brochures from the display racks. Have you ever wondered why you picked up certain brochures in preference to others? One persuasive reason is their appeal besides of course the relevance of information contained therein. Catchy, well-crafted product brochures are a sure way to capture attention. Over and above, if you can provide structured, useful information that is relevant to the user’s needs, your brochure will have achieved its purpose of establishing meaningful communication with your prospect.
An attractive product brochure is a starting point for your marketing and communication strategy. There are several aspects to designing a good product brochure. The first and most important piece of information is the cover. Put a strong selling message across on the cover page that motivates the audience to flip open the brochure. Include visuals. As they say, a picture can convey a thousand words; intersperse your content with appropriate visuals that are relevant to the context, tell your story with compelling graphics and with headings, subheadings and content that explains the copy block in a clear and unambiguous way. Be easy on the eyes, page after page of text can scare away a potential customer. We recommend using visuals that show how the product works because they are great for illustrating the benefits and conveying the gist of the product.
Lay stress on neat, clean, and professional layouts. Avoid unnecessary graphics and cluttering of content. Remember that the design should be able to draw the reader in and be an aid to their reading. Content is king and the design should not distract the reader from the text.
More often than not, brochures fail to be effective as they lack a call to action. After all, you want your potential customers to act. Give them that motivation and aid them by providing appropriate information on the product or service.
The creation of an important tool for your business should ideally be left to professionals. At Detroit Print Shop, we ensure that each brochure that we create will help you generate results.