For educational institutions in Detroit, academic flyers can serve to promote areas of expertise, announce faculty accomplishments and increase name recognition. Schools, colleges and universities often serve as gathering points for community events and local activities. Distributing flyers can help notify students and neighborhood residents of important information in a timely and cost effective manner.
Design and Layout
Academic flyers are easy to design. There are numerous online templates and software programs that can create appealing flyers. It is important to incorporate an attention grabbing headline or photo along with information about the event and activity. Since flyers are inexpensive and usually don’t require extensive editing, proofreading the piece is often overlooked. The time to find spelling errors is prior to printing, not after the flyer has been distributed.
Color flyers generally attract more attention than black and white. When using flyers to promote a speaking engagement from a distinguished professional, using color with heavy bond glossy paper will convey the importance of the event. Including a photograph or headline centered in the middle of the page will draw and hold the reader’s attention.
Printing Flyers
Academic flyers can be used for a variety of purposes such as publicizing classes, promoting lectures and announcing institutional awards. Especially for important events, be sure to include a complete description of the activity as well as the time, date and who to contact for additional information.
When developing academic flyers, Detroit institutions often consider using professional design services to ensure quality results. Print shops that offer graphic design and logo creation can help to produce a flyer that will communicate critical details in a stylish format. Consistent use of a specific logo helps to promote academic brand loyalty over time.
Detroit Print Shop can provide advice and guidance on producing a variety of academic promotional materials including brochures, flyers, business cards and stationary. For flyers, this includes help in selecting the appropriate paper quality as well as printing options in color, black and white or a combination of both.
Versatility of Flyers
School flyers can be distributed through different channels very inexpensively. This includes counters and desks of student unions, libraries, bulletin boards, administrative offices and classrooms. Flyers are also commonly used in bulk mailing campaigns where they can inform students and parents of important activities. Schools often include an actual calendar on a flyer for months that contain multiple events.
Schools that have a regular need to circulate information quickly and inexpensively will find academic flyers are an attractive promotional alternative.